Kim Bok-dong

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Kim Bok-dong (Korean: 김복동; 19 April 1926 – 28 January 2019) was a human rights activist that campaigned against sexual slavery and war rape. She was a young woman who was put into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army; a military that recruited girls between the ages of 10 and 18 years of age from colonized and occupied countries from the 1930s until the end of World War II. From age 14, she was put into comfort stations for eight years across different countries in Asia. Her experiences led her to become an activist; advocating the end of war-time sexual violence, anti-imperialism, workers' rights, and inter-Korean reconciliation. Along with the other "comfort women", she made the three-fold demand from the Japanese government: a formal state-level apology, reparations, and correction of Japanese history (including amending Japanese history textbooks to include the truth of the "comfort women" issue). In addition, Kim Bok-dong herself also supported other "comfort women" to step forward, and was a spokesperson in the "comfort women" movement. Kim Bok-dong died in Seoul, South Korea, in a hospital on January 28, 2019.

(Informació extreta automàticament de la Viquipèdia)


Supervivent i simbol de les "dones de consol", esclaves sexuals de l’exercit japonés
durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, Kim Bok-dong fou una activista que va trencar el silenci, exigint justícia i Reparació per tot el succeit amb Milers de dones.


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